Have you ever seen long lines of thread stretched across an embroidery design?

You might even have seen these lines of thread on many photos, or maybe you have experienced this issue. What are they?

That long line of thread is called as jump stitches. It is a long stitch formed between two separate embroidery design objects. The thread is dragged to the new one as one object finishes stitching. The thread that joins these two sections is not part of the final design and lays over the top of the fabric.

Jump stitches are considered very time-consuming in embroidery. For example, if 1000 shirts have to be embroidered and a digitized design has jump stitches, you cannot trim those threads on each shirt manually, and if you do so, it will cost you time and money.

Even if you are not familiar with the jump stitches, you’ve more than likely seen jump stitches in many of the machine embroidery designs.

This blog post will explore what a jump stitch is, how they are formed, and how you can reduce the jump stitches.

How to Remove Jump Stitches in Embroidery Digitizing Software?

Here are some steps for removing jump stitches in embroidery digitizing software.

Step 01:

Open Embroidery Software:

Open the embroidery digitizing software and open up the required embroidery design which you want to fix. Once it is uploaded into the digitizing software, you can start working on it.

Step 02:

Select Travel by Trim:

Move the stitch cursor to start by selecting the option from the left toolbar. After that, click on the “travel by trim” option. You can also use your keyboard’s Alt Right-arrow or Alt Left-Arrow key.

After choosing the travel by trim option, your embroidery design will let you walk through it by jumps and trims.

Note: Although cutter and trim are the same thing, Wilcom refers to it as trim.

Step 03:

Select Reshape Tool:

When doing this manually, you must align the beginning of your second item or letter with the end of your first object.

Select the “Reshape” tool from the toolbar. H is a shortcut key that can be used on the keyboard.

The reshape mode will open, allowing you to reshape your object using a variety of anchor points.

Your jump stitches will be undone once you shift the end of your letter to the beginning of the second letter. To confirm this, click on travel by trim once again, and you will see the difference.

Note: Removing jump stitches can sometimes affect the quality of the design, so it is always recommended to make a backup copy of the design before making any changes.

Also, it is important to note that not all jump stitches can be removed, as some are necessary for the design to stitch properly.

How to Reduce the Chances of Jump Stitches During Machine Embroidery?

Jump stitches are a common problem of embroidery digitizing, it might not be possible to eliminate all of them, but it is very possible to reduce them and have better results. So, use the options below to encounter fewer jump stitches in your machine embroidery.

  • Hide the Jumps: If you’re wondering whether it’s possible, the answer is yes! While you discover that the traveling stitch has jumped and is sewing once again, move its course and divide it into several smaller stitches so that they can be hidden later while you utilize the main threads.
  • Design Types: It's best to avoid designs with many running stitches or closely spaced outlines, as these can cause high jump tendencies. This is especially true for complex artwork(s) and those with numerous colors.
  • Use Professional Embroidery Digitizing:  Use reputable sources for embroidery digitizing. Free embroidery digitized designs can have poor quality and cause issues. Choose a reliable embroidery digitizing


Removing jump stitches can significantly improve the appearance of an embroidery design, and the process is relatively simple in embroidery digitizing software. By following the steps outlined above, you can quickly and easily remove unwanted jump stitches from the designs, resulting in a cleaner and more polished finished product.

It is important to remember that some jump stitches are necessary for the design to stitch properly, so it is important to use carefulness when removing stitches to avoid compromising the quality of the design. By making a backup copy of the design and being careful when making changes.


Trimming jump stitches is the best approach, but it can be tricky without proper equipment. Use fine-tipped nippers or scissors to snip them close to the fabric, almost eliminating them.

For tough-to-remove jump stitches, especially with small letters, conceal them with a matching Sharpie marker. The ink blends with the thread, making the jump stitch nearly invisible against the fabric.

The thread trimming function automatically trims any extra thread inside the ring. This function is turned on by default.

Embroidery machines that cut jump stitches offer convenience but may struggle with tiny ones. You can set the desired length for trimming, yet manual cutting is still often preferred.